

1.  『電腦學刊』為  中華民國電腦學會  出版之學術性期刊,自2016年十月起雙月出刊,於每年二月、四月、六月、八月、十月及十二月刊登,刊載內容為尚未發表之資訊科學、資訊工程、資訊管理、及資訊系統等相關之論文。

2.  作者應擔負來稿內容所涉及之版權、專利、及機密性之責任。

3.  來稿隨到隨審,編輯委員平均審查時間約為30天,一般情形下,稿件初次審查處理時間為三個月至六個月。

4.  本學刊已轉型為國際性資訊學術期刊,因此來稿應為電子檔一份,或英文一式三份,並附有英文之論文標題、作者全名、所屬單位、論文摘要、關鍵語及通訊作者資料。<論文格式下載>

5.  電腦學刊只接受英文投稿,所有中文稿件將直接被拒絕。

6.  投稿至電腦學刊的稿件全文至少10頁,10頁不含參考文獻,未符合此限制之稿件將直接被拒絕。

7.  來稿請投稿至: https://csroc.cloudreview.tw/joc/MemberLogin



Information for Authors


1. Since Oct. 2016, Journal of Computers is published bimonthly in February, April, June, August, October, and December at Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. by the Computer Society of the Republic of China. It publishes original papers in the areas of Information Science, Information Engineering, Information Management, and Information Systems.


2. Submission of a manuscript is welcomed provided that the author bears the responsibility for protecting any proprietary rights or security classification.


3. The submissions will be processed soon after a paper is received by the editing office. Currently, an initial paper reviewed by editors takes about 30 days in average. For common cases, the processing time for the first round review of an initial submission will be no later than three months to six months.


4. The official language of the JOC is English. All submissions should be written in English. A list of keywords is required to describe each paper. And a self-contained abstract should be of more than twenty lines. <PAPER_FORMAT_DOWNLOAD>


5. We only accept the manuscripts from English version submission system. All manuscripts from Chinese version submission system will be rejected immediately.


6. A full paper should be more than 10 pages but not contain references. Any submission not follow this limit will be rejected immediately.


7. Manuscripts should be submitted to https://csroc.cloudreview.tw/joc/MemberLogin .