March 12, 2025
 Index>>Application Form

Individual Member Membership Submission Form of Computer Society of The Republic of China

Abstract of Member Agreements of Computer Society of The Republic of China
Section 5:There two kinds of society members:1.Individual member 2.Group member
Section 6: The procedure and eligibility of membership of our society are listed as follows:
One of the following qualifications is needed to be an individual member  recommended by member or related organization (group) after validated by member committee and passed by council.
(一)Individual who have articles or researches about computer knowledge and application.
(二)Graduated from domestic or foreign university, college, institutes and was well-trained by computer specialist.
(三)Engaged in computer education,management,system analysis,program design,or computer operation.
(四)Had contributions to development of computer enterprise.
Section 12:Members have following rights:
(一)Individual members have the right to speak, vote, be voted.
(二)Group members have to send one or two people as certain individual member. Fee:
Membership Fee
1. Individual member entrance fee for 200 N.T dollars, annual fee for 500 N.T dollars.
(二)2. Individual member who participate in SIG should additionally pay for the annual activities of it.
p.s. Address: 5F.-4, No.374, Sec. 2, Bade Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Phone:0971632979 , Fax:(02)2781-2753
Postal Remmitance:0014773-4, Accounts name:中華民國電腦學會


 Chinese Name  English Name
 Native Province   Sex
  Province city country   Male     Femail
 Phone  BirthDate
 Fax  EMail
 Highest Academy Degree  Entance Fee


Entrance Fee for N.T 200 Dollars,Annual Fee for N.T 500 dollars
Postal Remmitance0014773-4
Check with Submission Form
Cash with Submission Form





 Specialties  Special interest team you hope to participate in

 Service unit and current position

 Entrance introducer