July 3, 2024



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賀:電腦學刊(JOC)已經正式成為 EI 等級的國際期刊

 電腦學刊(Journal of Computers, JOC,  ISSN 1991-1599)在張真誠總編輯的卓越領導與所有編輯委員先進的共同努力之下,經過 5 年的辛苦經營,電腦學刊已經獲得 Elsevier 出版公司的審查通過,正式成為工程索引(EI)資料庫收錄的期刊,請參閱以下所附的EMAIL。近日,我們也同時整理先前出版的電腦學刊各期內容,傳送至 Elsevier 公司編製索引。

從現在開始,電腦學刊已經邁入新的里程碑,我們也希望未來 JOC 能夠收錄更多的高品質論文,及發表更多高水準的研究成果,歡迎電腦學會會員以及資訊界各位先進踴躍投稿。若您對於JOC編輯工作有任何的指教,也歡迎隨時給我們指導。

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BD Source Collection Management <bd-scm@elsevier.com>
Date: 2011/2/24
Subject: RE: Subscription Request for Coverage in Elsevier Products
To: jimmy@fcu.edu.tw
Cc: leejs <leejs@fcu.edu.tw>, Chin-Chen Chang <alan3c@gmail.com>, ???? <csroc@csroc.org.tw>

Dear Jim-Min Lin,
Allow me to reply on behalf of Mr. John Hulsebosch
Please accept our apologies for sending you incorrect title name. Kindly fill in the coverage form for the Journal of Computers (ISSN: 1991-1599)
Looking forward to hear from you.
With Regards,
Sangeeth Cecil
Source Collection Management
Bibliographic Database Operations
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From: Jim-Min Lin [mailto:jimmy@fcu.edu.tw]
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 9:35 AM
To: BD Source Collection Management
Cc: jimmy@fcu.edu.tw; 'leejs'; 'Chin-Chen Chang'; '
Subject: RE: Subscription Request for Coverage in Elsevier Products
Dear Mr. Hulsebosch,
Thank you so much for kind informing us that our journal  has been accepted for coverage in selected Elsevier product(s).
However, our journal title is "Journal of Computers (JOC, ISSN: 1991-1599)" , not "Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences ".
Could you please kindly check the journal name again for us? Thank you so much.
It should be noted that there is already one another journal with the same journal name - Journal of Computers (JCP, ISSN 1796-203X) included in EI.
Have a nice day!
Best wishes,
Jim-Min Lin
Associate Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Computers
Jim-Min Lin, PhD
Professor and Chairman
Department of Infformation Engineering & Computer Science
Feng Chia University
Taichung City 40724
Email: jimmy@fcu.edu.tw
From: BD Source Collection Management [mailto:bd-scm@elsevier.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 5:55 PM
To: joc@fcu.edu.tw; jimmy@fcu.edu.tw
Subject: Subscription Request for Coverage in Elsevier Products
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Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences will be covered in Elsevier products
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We therefore request permission to cover your journal for which we ask you to complete and sign the attached Coverage Form. Please return a signed copy per email, fax or surface mail. If you would like to know in which Elsevier product(s)* your publication is planned to be covered then please contact bd-scm@elsevier.com.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,        
John Hulsebosch
Head Source Management
Elsevier B.V.
Bibliographic Databases
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